Let Us Press on to Acknowledge the Lord
(Hosea 6:1-3)

God we believe in is God of love. In order to revive us who were destined to die because of sins, he loved us to the extent that Jesus Christ, His only son was crucified on the cross. Once we repent and return to the arms of the Lord, God of love unconditionally forgives, heals, and restores us.

1. Return to the Lord
Israel was God's beloved people. However, they continued to commit the sin of idolatry which God hates the most. At this, God appointed Hosea as a prophet, commanded him to marry Gomer who was a promiscuous woman, and induced him who experienced the pain of his family to urge Israel worshipping idols to repent of idolatry which is ‘the sin of promiscuity’. The Holy Spirit wants us to return to the Lord, not through formalistic repentance but through heart-tearing one.

2. God who revives us
If we sincerely repent and return to God, God forgives all our sins and embraces us in His arms. When the prodigal son who left the house returned, his father who was filled with compassion for him ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him (Luke 15). This parable of Jesus shows the heart of our God father who wants us to return to Him. When our heart returns to God our father, God will cleanse our sins and transgressions by the precious blood of Jesus and raise us up in the place of despair. He will bind up our wounds, give us new strength, and revive us.

3. Let us acknowledge the Lord
Lack of the knowledge of God led Israel to worship idols and to become depraved. Therefore the prophet Hosea claimed, “Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him.” We should acknowledge who our Lord is through experience. The Lord is the way of our salvation and our healer. He forgives all our sins. If we acknowledge our Lord, our night of despair will turn into the daybreak of hope. As we experience the Lord, the grace of the spring rains that water the earth will enrich our souls and lives.

The Lord is calling us to the place of repentance now. If we return to God, God will revive and restore us. Pressing on to acknowledge him is the only way of our revival.