The Song of Victory
(Exodus 15:1-6)

God is the one who keeps us through big and small tribulations and makes us victorious. Through the exodus process, Israelites experienced God who gave them victory. When the Israelites came out of Egypt, the Red Sea was blocking the front and the Egyptian army was chasing after them in the back. At this God divided the Red Sea, letting the people of Israel walk across the river bottom. And He combined the water again, causing the Egyptian army to die in the sea. Almighty God is still alive and gives us victory.

1. God who is forever worthy of glory and praise
The Israelites, who came out of Egypt by the power God bestowed, were set in dilemma even before the thrill of the exodus disappeared. With the Red Sea in the front and Egyptian army in the back, they were facing limits which they could not transcend on their own. Then upon the people of Israel praying, God divided the Red Sea in front of their eyes and had them walk across the river bottom as if it were a dry land. By having the water remerged, He annihilated all the armies of Egypt who were chasing after them. The people of Israel, who had witnessed this amazing spectacle, glorified and praised God through ‘the song of victory’. Our duty is to glorify, honor, and praise God only.

2. God who is my strength, song, and salvation
The people of Israel sang “The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."(Exodus 15:2a) and praised God who gave them victory. This is also the confession of us who are living today. Through the death of Jesus Christ, God saved us from sin and death. He saved us from disease and curse as well. Therefore, God is our strength, song, and salvation. God who saved us is worthy to be glorified and praised. Under all circumstances we are to believe in God who is our strength, song, and salvation and must move forward confessing this truth.

3. God who fights our battles
God is the one who fights our battles. God cast Pharaoh's chariots and his army into the sea and gave Israel victory. As Israel believed in the omnipotence of God who was with them, they could win over all fear and be bold. God, who destroyed the armies of Egypt, becomes a warrior himself, who fights for us and destroys our enemies. Therefore, do not be afraid but praise God and move forward holding onto the hope of the kingdom of heaven. Then God who saved us will guide us until the end of the world and lead us into the eternal kingdom in the end.