The Shadow of the Almighty
(Psalm 91:1-3, 14-16)

Our Christian life should always be overflowing with thanksgiving. This is because through His immeasurable grace, God has forgiven all our sins and made us his beloved children. Besides this, He is always with us, takes care of us, and leads us throughout our lives.

1. God who cares for us
Psalm 91, verse 1 refers to, “whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High and lives in the shadow of the Almighty.” We are people who are under the care of God. As we are under the protection and care of God, we are absolutely safe in any situation we are in. Therefore, we need to be able to confess, “He is our refuge and fortress, our God, in whom we trust (Psalm 91:2).” We should move forward only with thanksgiving, believing that God will save us from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

2. The only object of our thanksgiving and love
Psalm 91, verse 14 says, “‘Because he loves me,’ says the LORD, ‘I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.’” We need to give thanks to and love God who saved us and has led us thus far. The way for us to love God is to obey God’s word and love our neighbors. Our life will be a happy one as we serve God with joy and thanksgiving on a daily basis and live a life to love our neighbors.

3. God who answers
Psalm 91, verse 15 says, “He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” God is the one who responds to our petitions. He is always attentive to our prayers. Therefore in the day of trouble, we should go, fall prostrate, and pray before God. Then hearing our prayers, God will rescue us from the tribulation.

We should introspect ourselves whether we have lived a life overflowing with thanksgiving or not. Have you grumbled with all the blessings from God? Then, you need to turn to a life of gratitude. This is because the person who sacrifices thank offerings honors God. I bless you and pray that you will glorify God through sacrificing thank offerings throughout your life.