They Will Know That I Am God
(Exodus 14:13-18)

While living life, you will find times when you may be in a desperate situation in which you cannot solve problems on our own. In such situations, there are people who make an extreme choice like giving up their own lives. But we Christians must choose God in times of despair. This is because God will do an amazing work for us as we look to God alone and move forward.

1. Desperate circumstances that block us
The people of Israel who had suffered from the slavery for 430 years finally came out of Egypt with God’s help. However, they were soon put in a desperate situation. The swirling Red Sea blocked their way in the front and the armies of Egypt chased them in the back. Then the people of Israel started to grumble against God and their leader, Moses. There are times when we are put in these desperate situations in the journey of our lives. How do we respond in such situation? However desperate the visible situation seems, we should move forward with absolute positivity and thanksgiving.

2. God who works
Only God can solve our problem. Therefore the thing we should do in a desperate situation is to absolutely depend on Him, drive out fear, and move forward only with faith. Then God will fight for us and rescue us from the desperate situation. Do we have the Red Sea of despair lying before us now? Don’t be afraid but depend on God alone. If we move forward, entrusting everything to Him, God will bestow us amazing salvation.

3. The title of eternal thanksgiving
After experiencing God’s amazing salvation, we should sing songs of thanksgiving. The people of Israel who experienced God’s salvation sang a song of thanksgiving and praise to God. “The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” (Exodus 15:2) What is the title of our eternal thanksgiving? This is the fact that the Lord has saved us from sin and death. We who believe in Jesus and are saved in His name should live a life of thanksgiving. It is the power of thanksgiving that enables us to solve numerous problems surrounding us.

What situation do you find yourself in? I bless you and pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that you will experience God’s amazing salvation by faith of absolute positivity and give to God overflowing thanksgiving.