Give Me This Hill Country
(Joshua 14:10-12)

Our life is to be referred to as a ceaseless challenge and determination to various kinds of problems coming toward us. Nevertheless, confronting any challenge, a man of faith does not back down and moves forward, depending on the Word and dreaming holy dreams in the Lord. On a daily basis we are supposed to proceed, fighting against many issues coming in our lives.

1. The life that is faithful to God
What is the most important thing throughout our lives is that we should be faithful to God. Caleb, a man of faith was a loyal person in the sight of God. As one of the twelve spies, he made a positive report of faith after 40 days of spying in Canaan. Even when other 10 spies made a negative report, he did not care others’ opinion but wanted to please God. Just like him, we should live a faithful life in front of God. As we do our best with faithfulness, diligence, and honesty, God will pour out amazing graces to us.

2. The life that relies on the Word
In order to be faithful before God, we should be attentive to the voice of God. Caleb firmly believed in and relied on the Word God gave him. Even though the long period of 45 years has passed, he did not give up on the promise of God. It was not an easy thing to go for war to occupy God’s promised land at the age of 85. However he was able to say with boldness “Give me this hill country.”, as he relied on the Word of God. If we hold on to the Word of God and move forward, we can win over all fears and conquer God’s promised land.

3. The life that fulfills the holy dream
Caleb was a dreamer who dreamed a holy dream. As he was having a God’s given dream, he could extend beyond the age of 85 and overcome the tremendous obstacle of the Anakites. Your dream helps you to transcend all despairs. You are supposed to move forward, dreaming holy dreams and holding on to the Word. And be always filled with the Holy Spirit. Then God will be with you and give you God’s promised land.

Caleb’s life which was faithful to God, relied on the Word, and challenged with faith toward the promised land with holy dreams, made him enter the land of God’s promise and receive the blessing to possess the God’s promised inheritance while the Israelites were dying in the wilderness. I bless you and pray in the name of the Lord that like this, you will have the faith of Caleb and that you will become the protagonists of promise who occupy the inheritance of heaven with the faith of “Give me this hill country.”