God’s Favorite Church
(Acts 13:1-3)

The church at Antioch was the first Gentile church, which first sent the missionaries to the Gentiles. In those days, the church was located in the place where idolatry was prevalent. But in such an environment, it was filled with the Holy Spirit, kept its faith, and was revived day by day. God was pleased with this church. Like the church at Antioch, we should be a church with which God is pleased.

1. Church that becomes one in the Lord
God’s favorite church is the one unified in the Lord. The church at Antioch was comprised of leaders with diverse backgrounds. However, they transcended the barrier of race, status, age, and origin. And becoming God-centered one, they were faithful to the church. Centering only on God, our church should be unified and please God.

2. Church that serves the Lord
God’s favorite church is the one to serve the Lord. The church at Antioch was a church to serve the Lord through worship and to care for neighbors with love. Our coming to church is to believe in and serve Jesus who died for us, shedding His blood. Throughout our lives we should lift up, boast of, and be satisfied with only Jesus.

3. Church that fasts and prays
God’s favorite church is the one which fasts and prays. In order to be led by the Holy Spirit, the whole church at Antioch fasted and prayed. While praying, they listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” and sent them out as missionaries. We should also fulfill our God’s given mission by fasting and prayer.

4. Church that is filled with the Holy Spirit
God’s favorite church is the one filled with the Holy Spirit. Obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit, the church at Antioch established the first missionaries to the Gentiles. Mission is the commandment of the Holy Spirit. Wherever the work of mission was fulfilled, the Holy Spirit worked. The secret of the early church revival was only in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is also the work of the Holy Spirit that the Yoido Full Gospel Church has grown as the biggest church in the world. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we should become a church which is always involved in mission and growing on a daily basis.

All of us should become a church with which God is pleased. We should become one in the Lord, serve the Lord, fast and pray, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Thus we should be faithful to the mission of preaching gospel to the end of the world.