I Am God Almighty
(Genesis 17:1-6)

God whom we believe in and serve is God Almighty. He is God who wants us to live blessed lives in the Lord. While living in this rough world, how are we able to cope with all challenges and crises coming toward us?

1. Relying on God Almighty
God whom we are to rely on is God Almighty. Abraham received the promise that He will make him very fruitful, but he did not have any child until he was 99 years old. When the flame of hope for descendants was dying out, God appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.” What was required of him was the faith in God. God is the creator who created heaven and earth and everything in them out of nothing. Whatever impossible situation and crisis you are confronting, depend on Him. Then God will change all things impossible into possible.

2. Relying on the Word of promise
God commanded Abraham to walk before Him faithfully and be blameless, and He gave him the Word of promise that He will make him very fruitful. And as the sign of His promise to Abraham, He changed the name of Abram to Abraham and ordered every male to be circumcised. God inscribed His promise in Abraham’s name and also in their flesh through circumcision to show that God’s promise is thorough and permanent. God’s promise never changes. Whatever impossible situation are you in, depend on the Word of promise of faithful God. God’s promise is surely fulfilled.

3. Looking at the transformed self
God changed the name of Abram which means ‘exalted father’ into Abraham which means ‘father of many nations’ and the name of Sarai which means ‘my princess’ into Sarah which is ‘mother of many nations.’ Through this, God made them transcend the current impossible situation in which they cannot bear a child and helped them to see their future descendants increase in numbers. Finally, they had Isaac at the age of 100 as they had believed in and fixed their eyes on God’s promise.

See and dream things that are not as if they were in Jesus Christ. Look at your transformed self. Then you will create a new history that impossibility will turn into possibility and despair into hope.