Choice and Decision
(1 Kings 19:19-21)

Our life is a series of choices and determinations. Moment by moment we should make choices and decisions continuously from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night. Occasionally our choice has a very significant influence on our lives. Just as the one wrong choice of Adam and Eve brought about fatal consequences on the fate of humankind, so our choice of the moment sometimes determines our lives. Today’s passage is how Elisha, the great prophet of the Old Testament made a choice and decision of faith to God’s call. Through today’s Word, I hope that you will always live and enjoy victorious lives through making the right choice and decision before God.

1. The person whom God calls
God always calls those who are faithful to the current lives and who do their best in given places. Elisha, the farmer was called as the successor of Elijah, while he was driving cow and plowing the field hard. David also got anointed as king while he was committed to his life as a shepherd boy. Amos was called as a prophet while he was working as a shepherd. It is important for you to do your best wherever you are in your lives. Then you will live a life to be used before God in a precious manner.

2. Calling and choice
When God calls us, we should obey Him immediately. According to the commandment of God, Elijah chose Elisha as his successor. Elijah’ throwing his cloak around Elisha means that he chose him as his successor. Without any hesitation, Elisha obeyed God’s call through Elijah, laying everything down. Likewise all of us should not be hesitant at the call of God. When you hear the Word of God, you should move forward with absolute obedience without hesitation or scruple.

3. The decision before God
When God calls you, you should make a decision of faith besides being obedient. When God called Elisha, he took his yoke of oxen, which were the means of livelihood, and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people. This shows his determination before God. When the Lord calls you, you should have your choice and decision of faith shown. As we move forward, laying everything down for the glory of God, God will do amazing things through us.

What place of life are you in now? Receive the call of God by faithfully doing your utmost in that place. Show Him the obedience and determination of faith when God calls you. I bless you and pray that you will live a blessed life to be preciously used by God.