The Age of the Holy Spirit
(Joel 2:28-32)

God has promised through Joel the prophet that He would pour out His Spirit on all people. According to the promise, after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the Holy Spirit that came on the attic of Mark on the day of Pentecost is still being poured on us through the history of the Church. We are now living in the age of the Holy Spirit. Without the power of the Holy Spirit we cannot live a victorious life in this world. Thus in order to a life of powerful faith and victory, we must receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1. The Holy Spirit who gives us holy dreams
With the Holy Spirit coming, all people will dream holy dreams. With the Holy Spirit coming, our sons and daughters will prophesy the glorious work of the future and old men who have lost dreams will have hope of the future. Young people will not follow the pleasures of the flesh but live a life dedicated to holy visions. Dreams are the design, hope, and objective for the future. Therefore we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a life of little Jesus with the dream of the kingdom of heaven on this earth.

2. The imminent judgment of God
‘The great and dreadful day of the LORD’ (v. 31) which Joel the prophet refers to, is the time of the eschatological judgment of humankind, that is, the last days. The period after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the eschatological time to prepare for the Second Coming of the Lord. Many times the Bible says that the era of the great tribulation will come. We are now living in the last days. Now only the days of God's judgment are waiting for those who do not believe in Jesus. Thus through Joel the prophet God is promising that He will pour out His Spirit in those days to save all people. Therefore we who are living in the age of the Holy Spirit should be always spiritually awake, filled with the Holy Spirit as we realize the work of the Holy Spirit which has been continuously poured on us until now is the signal flare that the great and dreadful day of God’s judgment is imminent.

3. God’s work of salvation
While the eschatological ‘the great and dreadful day of the LORD’ is the day of judgment to those who do not believe in Jesus, it is the day of salvation to those who call upon the name of God. Now the last days are the time of God’s favor when we receive salvation once we believe in Jesus. We, who have been saved in this time of God’s favor, should endeavor to preach the gospel whether in season or out of season. Mission is the absolute Great Commandment Jesus has entrusted to us in the last days. It is in mission that the objective of the church consists. Churches involved in mission will be revived and countries, prosperous and powerful. The Holy Spirit is the leader of the mission. Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.