Give Thanks to the Lord
(Psalm 33:1-11)

God wants us to live a life to glorify God as we live in joy and happiness. The secret to this kind of life is to give thanks and sing praises in all circumstances. Into the vessel of thanksgiving and praise does God pour out joy, happiness, grace, and blessing. Therefore we who are saved should give thanks and sing praises to God until the end of the world just like this passage of psalm.

1. Praise the Lord
It is our duty to give thanks to and praise the Lord. Beautiful and mature Christians thank and praise God in any circumstances. Paul and Silas praised God even in the prison of despair and Job thanked God in trials and tribulations. Jesus also lived a life of thanksgiving throughout His life. Thanksgiving itself is the answer, the power, and the beginning of solving problems. Therefore till our last breath, we should praise the Lord in any situations.

2. Desire the Word
The Word of God is right and true. In the beginning God created heaven and earth and everything in them by His word. As the Word of God has the power of creation, it is done as it is said when He says it. Even today, through the Word, God creates and leads all our lives. Through the Word, He brings the revival of the church. The supreme authority of the church is the Word of God. The Word of God is the driving force to cause the fire of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we should live according to the Word, desiring and loving the Word. We should live as a little Jesus, filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit and witnessing the gospel to all the world.

3. Fear the Lord
We should fear and revere God who created heaven and earth and everything in them by the Word. God, the Creator still reigns over all things and human history. All things move in accordance with God’s authority and plan. God’s authority is the absolute one that we cannot resist. Therefore, we should move forward, entirely surrendering our plan and life to God, clothed with gentleness and humility, and fearing God. God becomes the power and the spring of life for those who fear and entirely depend on Him.