The Benefit of Suffering
(Romans 5:3-4)

Living in this world, we meet innumerable sufferings. There is no one without suffering. Even people who believe in Jesus are not exempt from this. No one can avoid suffering while living in this rough world. Then how are we to overcome tribulations constantly coming toward us?

1. The life of joy in the midst of suffering
To overcome sufferings, we should live a life to rejoice in sufferings. Looking only at affliction, we cannot rejoice. In our sufferings, we should not fix our eyes on suffering but Jesus Christ, who can solve any problems. Enjoy peace and joy in Jesus Christ. Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Therefore facing all kinds of sufferings, never be disappointed nor give up hope. This is because the dawn of hope comes closer to the night of deep suffering.

2. The life of perseverance
The reason why we can rejoice in our sufferings is that we learn perseverance though them. ‘Perseverance’ in suffering helps us to stand firm with faith and to look to God. In our trials, we should wait for God’s time. Don’t be discouraged but patiently wait for God’s time. Suffering molds us into the people of perseverance.

3. The life in training
Perseverance in suffering makes our character trained. He who overcomes tests, persevering ‘training’, will stand stronger and purer before God. Through the furnace of affliction, God removes impurities in us and disciplines our character to imitate Jesus Christ more. Suffering is the process through which we are being molded into the people of God.

4. The life that produces hope
Suffering produces hope, which ultimately helps our dreams come true. Furthermore we can understand our neighbors in suffering and take care of them with the love of Christ. Suffering helps us to realize the vanity of the life in this world as strangers, which ultimately makes us hold the glory of God, that is, the hope of the kingdom of heaven. Therefore we should live a life to rejoice in our sufferings and to produce hope.