Tell Him, “The Lord Needs It”
(Mark 11:1-6)

Today is Palm Sunday. This is the beginning of Passion Week, the last week of Jesus. 2000 years ago, Jesus entered Jerusalem to be crucified on the cross in order to save humankind. Jesus entered, riding a colt. From this, what is the lesson given to us today like?

1. The choice of the Lord
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the colt Jesus rode was one which had never been ridden by anyone. This means purity. God chooses a pure and undefiled person before the Lord to achieve God’s work. God is looking for a person who is wholly dedicated to Him. Therefore we should become chaste brides of Jesus, our bridegroom, to be clean vessels to be used for the work of the Lord.

2. The owner of the colt who obeyed the Lord
Before entering Jerusalem, Jesus sent his disciples near the village and ordered them to bring a colt which no one had ever ridden. Then he told them to say, “The Lord needs it” in case anyone asked them, “Why are you doing this?” As Jesus said, the colt owner readily allowed the disciples to bring his precious colt. The colt owner obeyed the Lord’s word. Even Jesus saved the entire humanity by bearing the cross, obeying God’s command. Likewise we should respond to the calling of the Lord by saying “yes” with no strings attached. This is because the way to being used by God is obedience.

3. One who humbles oneself before God
In those days, when kings or generals won the war and came back, they used to enter the castle on horseback in an imposing manner under the cheer of the people. However, even if Jesus came as the king of kings, he entered Jerusalem on a colt. This is because he came to the earth as the king of humility, peace, and love. The entire life of Jesus was about humility and serving others. Gentleness and humility is the very character of Jesus. Jesus obeyed God’s command in an entirely humble manner, in order to achieve God’s will. God uses humble people who imitate Jesus. Therefore this should be our humble confession, “I am nothing but the Lord is all in all.”

One colt was used for the crucifixion of Jesus in a precious manner. There is no one who cannot be used by the Lord. Therefore I bless you and pray that all of you will be used for the great mission of the Lord, being thankful for the fact that God chose us, sinners, absolutely obeying God’s word, and becoming gentle and humble colts.