The Hope of the Resurrection
(1 Corinthians 15:20-26)

The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest event of miracle and blessing in the entire history of humankind. By breaking the power of sin and death and being resurrected, Jesus has become the hope of all humankind. The joyful news of the resurrection that Jesus conquered the death is the good news per se. So Christianity is the faith in the resurrection and life which overcomes death and in the hope that conquers despair.

1. Jesus Christ, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep
Jesus who is God came to the world and died on the cross, bearing all our sins. Thanks to this, there was opened the way in which we can boldly go to God, relying on the blood of Jesus. And Jesus was resurrected on the third day and became the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. By offering their first fruits, Israelites showed that all their income and fruits belonged to God. Likewise Jesus’ becoming the firstfruits of the resurrection has led to all the saints’ bearing the fruit of the resurrection.

2. Death and resurrection
Even though death came to all humanity due to Adam’s sin, through Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross on behalf of our sins, the history of life for all humankind has been started. And this life of the resurrection has been given to us in Christ. Therefore the resurrection is our greatest hope. Now we have gained this life of resurrection and are more than conquerors over any despair. Furthermore on the day of Jesus' Second Coming, we will be transformed into glorious bodies and enter the new heaven and the new earth of eternity, reigning forever.

3. Our mission
How are we to live a life, who have the life of the resurrection? We should stand firm on our faith of the resurrection and be more committed to the work of the Lord without being shaken in front of any storms in our lives. Do not be shaken when hardships come. Inviting Jesus to the place of your suffering, you are supposed to experience the power of the resurrection. Like this you should live a life to reveal God’s glory by dedicating yourself to the work of God. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and bearing holy dreams in your heart, you should become a ‘little Jesus’ and a witness of gospel who share hope to those in despair.

On this morning of the resurrection, receive Jesus, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep at the center of your life. And become confident that the resurrection of Jesus is yours. Whatever wind of trials comes toward you, do not be shaken but become committed to the work of the Lord. Look forward to and wait for the day when all of us will turn into glorious bodies, enter the new heaven and the new earth of eternity, and reign forever.