The Determination of Daniel
(Daniel 6:10)

Everyone encounters crisis, both small and large, numerous times in our lives. No one is free from having problems. The point is how to overcome such problems easily. Though Daniel was taken to Babylon as a captive, he was able to become an administrator for God was with him. Still, Daniel was no exception in facing a crisis as anyone else and he was thrown into a lion’s den.
I would like you to take a lesson from today’s scriptures on how Daniel overcame such a crisis and learn how to win over crisis that come to us every once in a while.

1. Daniel who met a crisis
Though Daniel was taken to Babylon as a captive, he was always made a high ranking official as God was with him. Those who was jealous of Daniel wanted to remove him out of his position. They tried to find his faults and then took an issue with Daniel’s constant prayer toward God. In order to frame Daniel up, they requested to a King that an edict should be issued saying “anyone who prays to any god or man except to the King shall be thrown into a lion’s den”. Not knowing that the edict was a conspiracy to trap Daniel, King Darius put the decree in writing. Now Daniel is facing a great danger of being thrown into a lion’s den. However, Daniel decided to pray to God in such a time of crisis. Crisis comes to us even when we follow the Word of God and walk the way in accordance with God’s will. In times like this, we shall be resolved to pray to God like Daniel.

2. Daniel who prayed
Although Daniel was facing a life-threatening situation, he continued to open windows toward Jerusalem and pray to God fixing his eyes on Him only. Three times a day he got down on his knees in humility and gave a fervent prayer to God, relying on Him only. Daniel prayed risking his lives. Like this, God is always with the person of prayer. If one wishes to win victories in times of crisis, one shall look to God who is greater than the crisis itself and go into a small room of prayer, get down on your knees, and pray fervently.

3. Daniel who was thrown into the lion’s den
Daniel was eventually thrown into the lion’s den as he broke the decree and prayed to God. The king who cherished Daniel spent the night without eating and hurried himself to the lion’s den at daybreak. As the king called out Daniel’s name, Daniel answered the king’s calling and said that God protected him. God listened to the prayer of Daniel who risked his own life and sealed the mouths of lions to protect Daniel. Prayer put the seal on the mouths of starving lions and made Daniel survive. The king put those who accused Daniel into the lion’s den instead and praised God of Daniel.
A prayer turned crisis into blessings. Therefore, count on the Lord who protects the righteous and destroys the wicked under any crisis. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. I pray in the name of the Lord that all of us experience the prosperous life of Daniel who relied on God only and prayed so that he was delivered from the lion’s den and prospered throughout the days of King Darius and King Cyrus.