Dream and Hope
(Acts 16:6-10)

The event that brought a significant change in the flow of the history of the world was ‘Paul’s vision of Macedonia’. After Paul who had been heading toward Asia saw the vision of Macedonia and headed toward Europe, in Europe which received the gospel, the glorious flower of civilization burst into bloom 1,500 years earlier than in Asia.

1. The life led by the Holy Spirit
In order to have dreams and visions, we should be led by the Holy Spirit. On the second missionary journey, Paul wanted to spread gospel in Asia. However the Holy Spirit did not allow him to go to Asia. Sometimes the Holy Spirit stops us from going on our way. At this time we should stop and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we examine where the will of God is and meditate His Word. This is because His will may differ from ours and His will is more perfect than ours. In order to be led by the Holy Spirit, we should be always filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit. While praying, we should listen carefully and humbly to the voice of God in the Word.

2. The vision we should see
With all the ways to Asia blocked and himself tired, during the night of despair, Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” In those days, Rome was crumbling in a state of spiritual poverty and moral corruption. A man of Macedonia was in despair and asked Paul for help. Even today we should be able to see the vision the people in despair are begging us, “come and help us”. Besides, reaching out to them with the gospel, we should preach Jesus Christ, the hope of humankind.

3. The way where we will proceed
Through the vision, realizing that God wanted him to go to Europe to preach the gospel, where no one had preached the gospel yet, Paul immediately obeyed God’s will. Thus a church was founded at Philippi and it became the church which had a huge impact on the history of the Early Church by being committed to the mission. The steps of the gospel which Paul took after seeing the vision became the start of the new history in Europe. Therefore after realizing the will of God, we should advance in faith in accordance with the dreams given by God.

When facing the dark night of despair, we should pray, holding onto the Word of the Lord. Listening to His voice and being led by the Holy Spirit, we should move forward in faith with the holy dreams and visions.