Only by the Holy Spirit
(Acts 19:1-7)

The reason why many people are living powerless lives after becoming Christians is that they are not full of the Holy Spirit. The secret to a victorious faith life is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost the disciples who had been living powerless lives after the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus, gathered and prayed in the attic of Mark’s house, waiting for the promised Holy Spirit. As they were full of the Holy Spirit and could boldly preach the gospel, countless people returned to the Lord. As a result, the Early Church came into being and the era of the Holy Spirit started in this earth. How are we to live in this era of the Holy Spirit?

1. The person of the Holy Spirit
Ephesus which was the center of Paul’s 3rd missionary journey was one of the important port cities in Asia Minor. When Apostle Paul visited the church at Ephesus, he found only 12 men. When Paul asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”, they answered, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” In order to live a victorious life with genuine faith, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. The reason why churches stop being revived is that the saints stop being filled with the Holy Spirit. The secret to the revival of Yoido Full Gospel Church has been the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Continuing to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we should become people of the Holy Spirit who will preach the gospel until the day of the Lord’s second coming.

2. The person who testifies only about Jesus
When Paul taught the people of Ephesus the Holy Spirit and placed his hands on them, who had received only John’s baptism but did not know of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. When the Holy Spirit comes to us, He does not talk about Himself but witnesses to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth who guides us to Jesus, the truth and helps us to believe in Jesus better. He exalts only Jesus and reveals only the glory of Jesus. Therefore filled with the Holy Spirit, we should exalt and testifies to only Jesus.

3. The person who leads a revival
The fullness of the Holy Spirit goes before the revival. When Paul taught the Word and preached the gospel in the lecture hall of Tyrannus, the gospel spread to neighboring area in Asia Minor, centering on Ephesus and miracles that evil spirit left people and sick ones got healed, occurred. Realizing this to be the work of the Holy Spirit, many people repented and returned to the Lord. Even sorcerers burnt their scrolls and started to repent. Ephesus covered with the gospel, the city of idols turned into that of the gospel which thrived with the Word of God. The power of the Holy Spirit changes the destiny of individuals, churches, and countries. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we should take the initiative for the revival of this age.

I bless you and pray that you will become the leaders of revival and newly write Acts chapter 29, possessed only by the Holy Spirit and testifying only about Jesus until the time of the Lord’s second coming.