The Faith That God Acknowledges
(Hebrews 11:1-6)

Christian life is full of faith. Our belief starts, grows, and is completed by faith. The object of our faith is Jesus Christ.

1. The faith to please God
God-pleasing faith is the life where we live together with God according to God’s will. As a forefather of faith, Enoch walked with and pleased God, and was taken into heaven, so that he did not experience death. Living by faith means to live for pleasing God, not for pleasing oneself. Therefore, we should follow God’s will to please God by giving up our will.

2. The faith to come to God
God-pleasing faith is the faith to come to God. Sadly sinned people cannot come before God without being forgiven. Thus Jesus Christ, the only son, who God sent, bled His precious blood to pay our debts of sins, and opened the way for anyone who depends on His precious blood to come before God. As a forefather of faith, Abel worshipped God with the blood of a lamb, so God accepted his worship. The blood of the lamb represents that of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus has power to wash our sins. Therefore we should have faith that the blood of Jesus Christ will clean all of our sins when we come before God.

3. The faith to believe in the living God
Anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists. When we do this, we can accept Jesus Christ as our savior and we will never be disappointed by any difficulties. God is still alive and knows every our circumstance and situation so He helps us. Wherever we go and whatever we do, therefore, we should live with our best efforts, thinking that our living God is here and now with us.

4. The faith to believe in God who rewards us
Anyone who comes to God must believe that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. God gives those who earnestly seek Him the kingdom of eternal heaven as our inheritance as well as blessings in the world. Noah, one of forefathers of faith, obeyed God’s command asking him to build an ark as the preparation of the great flood on God’s judgment day, even though he was living in the age of no rain. So Noah became heir of the righteousness. Therefore, even though we are in the moment of despair and pains, we should march forward by faith, fixing our eyes on God who rewards us with the absolute positive faith.