Pentecostal Faith
(Acts 2:1-4)

After Jesus was risen from the dead and ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit filled the attic of Mark John on Pentecost. As a result, it became a birth of church. God has saved many people through churches. The disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, went out to spread the gospel and 3,000 and 5,000 people a day repented and believed in Jesus. To see the continuous miracle of God in our church, which has been growing with the work of the Holy Spirit, what kind of faithful attitude should we have?

1. The faith to believe in the Word and wait
Before Jesus ascended, He asked His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit Father promised. They believed in the Word of promise and waited. Finally they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. For our church to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be revived consistently, we should believe in the Word and wait. The Word is Jesus Christ. Therefore, we should listen to what the Bible says to us. Moreover, we should cling to the Word that we hear and wait until the Word of promise to be achieved.

2. The faith to strive in prayer
Waiting for the promised Holy Spirit with striving in prayer as well as holding on to the Word of promise, the disciples were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the power to make the Word work and the hands to move God’s power. Church revival comes true through prayer. Therefore, we should do our best in praying through early morning prayers, night prayers, and fasting prayers by depending on the precious blood of Jesus and coming before the cross.

3. The faith to be one
When the disciples of Jesus were gathered and prayed with one mind in the one place, the attic of Mark John waiting for the promised Holy Spirit, they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Church revival can be realized when the members become one mind. When we embrace the heart of Jesus Christ, we can become united. Therefore, we should become ‘little Jesus’ wherever we are and the people of faith to make people harmonized through love, understanding, and forgiveness of Jesus.

4. The faith to be filled with the Holy Spirit
The scene of Holy Spirit coming down on Pentecost was related to not only the strong fire and wind but people beginning to speak in other tongues. The dry bones in the valley of Ezekiel stood on their feet as a vast army when the breath came to them. Likewise, the wind of the Holy Spirit makes us be risen from death to life. Just like the fire fell from heaven and burned up the alter when Elijah fought against the prophets for the Baal, the sins in our heart are burnt up to be purified when the Holy Spirit comes on us. Additionally, the Holy Spirit encourages us to praise God alone in tongues, the language of the kingdom of heaven. Let us be armed and march forward with the Pentecostal faith to be filled with the Holy Spirit!