Dream and Mission
(Genesis 12:1-4)

Our faithful life is away from our old self to live with faith, which makes God pleased. Faithful person should leave from sinful habits, embrace holy dream, and march toward goals with faith. When Abraham was called, he didn’t realize where to go. However, he left his country, his people, and his father's household as he had the dream given by God and obeyed His Word. Eventually he became the origin of blessings.

1. The dream God gives us
When God called Abraham, God said, “Go to the land I will show you.” The land, in the context, refers to the new dream that God gave him. God gave Abraham the dream of possessing the land, composing of a great nation, and becoming a blessing. Likewise, God gives holy dream and hope to His people. And He makes them look to the dream and go forward with faith. God gave our church the dream of changing the world with the love of Christ. Therefore, in Jesus, we should have the holy dream of becoming witnesses of the gospel. Also, we should believe that the dream will come true and confess it every day out of our mouth. By doing so, we become the people of dream, who create God’s history in this land.

2. The process to achieve our dream
We should take sacrifice to achieve the dream given by God. We pass through various valleys of difficulties on the way completing the dream of God. Abraham left his country, his people, and his father's household to achieve the dream given by God. Likewise, we should end the sinful lives of not believing in God and leave from sinful and unfaithful circumstances and habit that hinder us from living a holy life. What are ‘our country, our people, and our father’s household’ that we should leave? By keeping the promise of God, we should immediately leave the place of sins. What may come before us on the course of achieving the dream given by God, we should not give up the dream and march forward with faith.

3. The life of following the Word
Abraham was 75 years old when he left his country to obey God’s calling. In reality, it seemed to be impossible for him to possess the land and become a great nation and a blessing because he left his country without his own children. However, he obeyed God’s Word with faith. As a result, he became a blessing. The Word is Jesus Christ so; we should obey Jesus who is the Word to achieve the mission given by God completely.

Marching forward the dream given by God, never give up despite of various obstacles and stumbling blocks ahead of us. Follow the Word of God with faith. I pray that you will complete the mission given by God and enjoy Abraham’s blessing.