Send Me!
(Isaiah 6:1-8)

People who have blue print in their lives are happy. Our life will be precious when we have strong confidence in God’s calling and realize the purposes of God on us thereby living a fruitful life according to God’s will. Today’s scene in the scripture is about Isaiah’s receiving the calling of God. In the year that King Uzziah died, who was the hope of Judah, God called Isaiah. Then Isaiah decided to send him and was dedicated for the purpose of God. Through the case of Isaiah in today’s scripture, let us ensure God’s calling on us and have strong resolution to be devoted for the purpose of God.

1. Experience the presence of God
When Judah was in depression due to the death of King Uzziah, Isaiah went to the temple to pray before God and he experienced the presence of God. Experiencing the God’s glory filling the temple, he finally realized that the real king reigning the nation was not Uzziah but living God. Then, he overcame the despair caused by the death of King Uzziah and was able to take the calling as a prophet. Likewise, the first step to take God’s calling is related to experience the presence of God. To receive the calling, we should go to the temple where God’s grace is full and abundant. We should live God-centered, church-centered, and worship-centered life.

2. Repent of your sins
Before the presence of God, Isaiah confessed that he was sinner. And then, God sent one of the seraphs to him with a live coal of the alter touching Isaiah’s mouth and allowed him to be atoned and purified. The alter symbolizes the cross of Calvary. The precious blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross of Calvary has great power to forgive our sins. Therefore, we should repent of our sins everyday by depending on the precious blood. When we do this, God burns our dirty sins with the fire of the Holy Spirit and purifies us to be clean so that we can become faithful soldiers who walk briskly along the road to get to God’s calling.

3. Determine before God
When Isaiah prayed in the temple and realized that he was a sinner, God called him. God was looking for a person who would warn the people of Judah in the middle of self-destruction to return from sins. At that moment, Isaiah answered to God without hesitation, “Here am I. Send me!” Still, God is looking for someone who can willingly work for God to enlarge the kingdom of God in this land. When we hear the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” we should voluntarily decide to obey God’s calling. The reason is everyone who is called of God has the mission to preach the gospel.

Experience the presence of God and the blessing of forgiveness. Then find God’s calling on you to live a meaningful life suitable for God’s calling on you.