The Lord Who Knows Everything
(Exodus 3:7-8)

God whom we believe in and serve is not in the end of heaven but always with us in the middle of depression and agony. God had seen the misery of the Israelites enslaved in Egypt for 430 years, had heard them crying out, and was concerned about their worries. So He sent Moses to them to save them out of difficulties and led them to the land of Canaan. God of the Israelites is still alive and with us today.

1. God who sees us
God surely saw the misery of Israelites in Egypt. Just like a mother who keeps her eyes on her baby playing near a waterside, God keeps watching us. When we are in trouble, God protects and looks after us because He is always seeing us. Therefore, we should not be frustrated even we face any difficulties. Once God protects us, nothing harms us.

2. God who hears our prayers
God have heard them sighing out and crying out because of their exacting work. God listens to our groans that we can’t say to anyone. Therefore we should not fall behind despite of depression. Rather we should cry out before God. God comes to our life to solve our problems when we cry out for help.

3. God who knows our suffering
God knew how Israelites were miserable and suffered under the tyranny of Pharaoh. Our Lord knows our bitterness, tears, resentment and constitution. There is nothing that our omniscient God doesn’t know. He knows me better than me. Therefore when we are suffered, we should not rely on humans but fix our eyes on God, our only help. By doing so, we will enjoy the happiness of victory given by God.

4. God who rescues us from despair
God had seen the misery of the Israelites had heard them crying out and was concerned about their worries. So God sent Moses to save them out of Egypt. Also God led them to the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. Likewise, God saves us out of despair and leads us to His abundant grace, just like He saved Israel out of Egypt and led them to Canaan. Therefore, even if there are any difficulties, we should depend on the Lord who will lead us to the better way by saving us from hard and difficult moment. We should march forward with the absolute positive faith by giving thanks to God who knows all about us and will be with us until the end of the world.