The Blessing of Suffering
(Job 1:13-22)

People in the world want to live a happy life. However, we meet unexpected difficulties in our lives including diseases, family matters, job and etc. Sometimes, these problems may make us consider giving up our life. In the bible, Job who served God well had these kinds of difficulties. We even as a Christian cannot avoid facing various adversities in our lives.

1. The suffering that comes to God’s children
Job was acknowledged by God as ‘a blameless and upright man who feared God and shunned evil’. However, he met sudden adversities in his life. He lost ten children and all of his property in a day. He was even afflicted with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. His wife said to him, “Curse God and die!” His friends asked him to repent of his sins. Likewise, children of God can face suffering, too. When we meet suffering, we should not look to the problems but realize the providence of God which is hidden in the suffering. By doing so, suffering becomes beneficial.

2. The attitude toward suffering
Job didn’t complain and grumble even while he was in traumatic adversity. He praised to God, “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” He accepted God’s absolute sovereignty and took his suffering humbly. Likewise, we should never complain and grumble in the time of suffering in our life. We should overcome difficulties in life through absolute faith and thanksgiving by accepting God’s lordship in our life. This is because that we will be in abundant grace of God when we praise the Lord under suffering.

3. The blessing that comes after suffering
Job was eventually given twice as much as he had before, because he overcame suffering. If we successfully pass our suffering with the attitude of positive faith, suffering becomes very beneficial to us. It is because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3-4). Adversity purifies unclean residues in our faith and strengthens our faith. Due to suffering, we depend on God more and give glory to God in all circumstances.

Are you standing in times of suffering? Don’t complain or grumble in your circumstances. Look to the blessing coming after suffering. Go forward with the absolute positive faith and the absolute thanksgiving. Then, your suffering will turn into blessing of God.