Where Does My Help Come from?
(Psalm 121:1-8)

People in the world want to get help from the time when they are born. We are the ones establishing mutual relationship with others. Furthermore, we cannot live a single day without God’s help. The scripture today tells the song of Israelites who were setting off their journey to the temple of God while they were passing through the dessert, expecting God to protect them from upcoming dangers and hardships.

1. God who helps us
Psalmist says like this, “I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from?” Then, he confesses, “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Jerusalem was surrounded by hills protecting the city from enemies. Here in the verse, symbolizes the hills the eternal God who has never been changing. So the Psalmist fixed his eyes on to God who was the protector of Israel, not on to physical hills. Likewise, everlasting God is with us, helping us with his permanent love and mercy. Therefore, we should look at God the creator of heaven and earth even when we are in trouble or in difficult times because God is our only help and answers all questions in our lives.

2. God who protects us
Whenever we seek for God’s help, God shields us.
1) God doesn’t let our feet slip by protecting us.
The pilgrims’ way to get to Jerusalem was in the desert filled with dangerous pits and sharp cliffs so that the pilgrims might hurt their ankles or their feet could slip. Likewise, our life is similar to the desert so we can easily slip and fall down. However, God holds the feet of people who seek for God, not allowing them to fall over from the dangerous places.
2) God is always awake to protect us.
God who protects and watches over us will not sleep or slumber.
3) God becomes our shade under the hot sun in the desert-like life.
Desert harms people with strong sunlight during the days while devastate people with cold winds at nights. God could be the symbol as the only shelter as well as protection in the desert. Similarly, we are bothered by incessant attacks of demons and evil spirits in the world. Once we depend on ourselves, we definitely become failed. Therefore, we should be under the wings of the Almighty God providing us with his secured protection. Then God will protect us safely.
4) God keeps us from all harms.
No one is free from various harms and tribulations in the desert-like world. However, God gives us exits for us to avoid hardships or save us from all harms. Therefore, we don’t need to worry or be frustrated. We just need to pray hard and be patient in our hard times, because God is our help in the day of adversity.
5) God protects us forever.