The Grace of the Cross
(Genesis 3:15-21)

The core of Christianity lies in the cross of Jesus Christ. The grace of forgiveness of sins reaches all humans because Jesus was crucified on the cross. So every Christian should stand strongly on the faith of the cross so that we should gain victory by standing firmly on the faith of the cross when the every temptation of the world comes to us.

1. Sin and human beings
All humans are in sins as Adam and Eve ate the prohibited fruit, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because they challenged against God’s sovereignty. Adam and Eve were afraid of God’s judgment and hid from Him among the trees of the garden. after they ate the forbidden fruit. As the result of sin, fear came. Sins drive us to fear, worry, and anxiety and eventually force us to the absolute depression. No one in the world is free from sins.

2. Jesus Christ the Savior
God sent Jesus Christ to clear the problems of sins. According to Gen. Chapter 3 verse 15, God said to Satan “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” God said to us that the Savior who comes to us is the offspring of the woman. We can infer that Jesus was born from a woman who was Virgin Maria after she had been pregnant by the help of the Holy Spirit. So Jesus became the offspring of the woman not the offspring of the man. When Jesus was on the cross, saying “It is finished”, Jesus crushed the head of Satan and toppled the power of sin and death by resurrecting after three days of his death. Therefore, Jesus is the only way to salvation.

3. The meaning of the garments of skin
After committing sin, they realized they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. However, the leaves of the tree were not perfect enough to hide their shame because they were withered easily once exposed to sunlight. Instead of them, God made garments of skin made from animals’ skins. To make garments of skin, animals had to be killed. Innocent animals had to shed their blood because of sins caused by Adam and Eve. It symbolizes the precious blood of Jesus as well as the death of Jesus who would be dead on the cross to save us from sins. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, all of our sins are removed.

Are you in despair because of sins? Live in the grace of the cross. Depend on the power of the precious blood of the cross. The Grace of forgiveness of sins and the grace of salvation are on the cross.