The Providence of God
(Exodus 2:1-10)

Noting is accidently happening in the world. All the things in the world occur not because of human strength and plan but because of the providence of God. Therefore we should put all the matters down before God who controls everything in the world and obey absolutely the Word of God.

1. When the people of God suffered
430 years passed after Jacob had moved to Egypt with his family. The number of people had been only 70 but they were fruitful and multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous. After death of Joseph, a new king who didn’t know about Joseph, came into power in Egypt, persecuting the Israelites because of his hear that the people of Israel were too numerous. However, any policy could not stop Israelites from thriving with great number. Finally, the Pharaoh ordered to kill all the Israel boys when they were born but girls would be safe. On the course, Moses was born. His mother Jochebed found amazing providence of God toward Moses who would be the leader of the Israelite. So she hid him for three months. After three months, however, she found that it was hard to raise the boy without being caught by the soldiers of Pharaoh. She sent a papyrus basket, where her son lied into the bank of Nile. It was her best to save her son. She put her son’s life into the hand of God. Likewise, we should see the God’s sovereign will and providence for us behind our hardships and adversity with faith because blessings are covered with hardships.

2. God’s work of salvation
At the moment when the basket was put into the river, God’s great intervention was started. The daughter of Pharaoh came to the river for bathing, found the basket and picked it up. Although the Satan used Pharaoh to break God’s work of salvation toward the Israelites by killing Moses, God used the daughter of Pharaoh to save Moses. Therefore when we are in trouble, we should look to the providence of God who will make everything may go well and give thanks under every circumstances.

3. God’s guidance
It was the guidance of God that the daughter of Pharaoh found the papyrus basket where baby Moses and his mother’s hope were put together under extreme discouraging situation. In addition, it was the divine plan of God that Moses’ birth mother came into the palace to breastfeed and raise Moses as a nanny instead of the daughter of Pharaoh so that she could teach her own son with faith and the Word of God. Also, it was God’s amazing plan that Moses was adopted for the daughter of the Pharaoh and was taught with Royal Education in the palace in order to be prepared the leader of liberation of Israelites. Therefore, we should focus on the providence of God behind our difficulties, not seeing the physically seen hardships and difficulties even we are in any situation.