Those Who Are in Jesus Christ
(Romans 7:21-8:2)

After the sin of Adam, the first human, every person is born as a sinner so people are frustrated and depressed with the problem of sins. Therefore we should fight against sins as long as we have flesh. However, we cannot solve the matter of sins by ourselves. When we are in Jesus, we can defeat sins and enjoy freedom.

1. The wretched person
Apostle Paul was conflicted with the problems of sins. Seeing at himself committing evil doings that he didn’t want to do instead of good doings that he wanted to do, he lamented like this, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” The original reason God gave the law was to save us. Sadly people couldn’t keep the law perfectly and were judged by the law thereby falling into death. No one in the world can solve the problems of sins by oneself. Only Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life can make us set free from the sins and death.

2. Those who are in Jesus Christ
When Jesus said on the cross “It is finished.”, the power of sin and death were toppled. Therefore, once we believe in Jesus Christ, we are no more enslaved to sins and death. We are never being condemned. Romans 8:1 says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Therefore, we should believe in Jesus as our Savior and live in Jesus.

3. The law of the Spirit of life
The secret to enjoy true freedom in Jesus is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. According to Romans 8:2, it says “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Being filled with the Holy Spirit and following the Word leads us to the grace of God. When the grace of the Holy Spirit has come upon us, we will enjoy the life and the peace of the Lord. And in Jesus Christ, we can beat the sins and live a life of pleasing to God. Therefore we should be accompanied by the Holy Spirit all the time and filled with the Holy Spirit not only to win over sins but to accomplish the great work of God as children of God.