Let Love Be without Hypocrisy
(Romans 12:9-13)

The core of Christianity is love. God’s love of us is ultimately manifested in the cross of Jesus. The shape of cross signifies two kinds of love at once: the vertical love toward God and the horizontal love toward our neighbors. We should show the love of the cross by loving God and our neighbors during our life time.

1. Cling to what is good
Love is sincere and pure. According to Romans chapter 12 verse 9, it says, “Let love be without hypocrisy.” Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” If we really love our God, we will live sincerely before God and people, being away from evil and doing Good. When we belong to God, fears will be driven out. Therefore we should show the true love of God which is faithful and perfect in the world.

2. Be devoted one another in brotherly love
When we practice love in the world, we should love one another with brotherly love. We are united in Jesus. Jesus is our head and his church is his body. So we are the body parts of Jesus. Therefore we are brothers in Jesus Christ. As a result, we should love and respect each other. Additionally, not only with our words but also with our action, we should practice love sincerely.

3. Fervent in spirit, serve the Lord
When we serve Jesus, we should keep the spiritual fervor coming from the Holy Spirit. To do this, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. Humanly passion is easily lukewarm but the burning heart because of the Holy Spirit is not easily cool down. Constant fullness of the Holy Spirit enables us to live a life to show the glory of God with our burning heart.

4. Persevere and pray in hope
People fully filled with the love of Jesus can be joyful in the middle of hardships thanks to the hope in heaven. The power encouraging us to be joyful in hope and patient in affliction is provided from prayer. The prayer is the divine pathway to provide new power for us so as to overcome all the extreme situations and adversity, we should put our best efforts to spend our times and energy in praying hard before God.