Do Not Rebel against the Lord
(Numbers 14:4-10)

Living in the world, we face myriads of difficulties. Sometimes many of these are attributed to our disobedience and negative thoughts. It is because of disobedience that Israel people, who had been free from 430-year-old life as slaves for Egyptian, has been wandered and dead in the desert for 40 years just right before the Promised Land, Canaan. Therefore, we should keep absolutely positive faith not to disobey the Lord in any situation.

1. Features of unbelief
10 spies out of 12 to explore the Canaan reported very negatively saying that the cities in Canaan were very large and the people who lived there were powerful. Even they said they seemed like grasshoppers so they reported that it was not easy to conquer the land. Hearing this negative report, Israel people cried out for all nights blaming Moses and Aaron. They wanted to return to Egypt. This is shape of unbelief. This unbelief can easily be spread to others and harm people by raking their courage and vision. Therefore we should fight against our unbelief.

2. Features of positive faith
Joshua and Caleb were very different from the other 10 spies. Differently, they reported with positive view to see the Land. According to Numbers 14:8-9, it is said, “If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land. We will swallow them up.” Joshua and Caleb saw the same situation such as the large cities and the strong people just like the other 10 spies did, but they could report positively because they looked to almighty God first and saw the circumstances with their faithful eyes. Therefore, we should fix our eyes on God who solves all the difficulties instead of fixing our eyes onto our obstacles.

3. The result of unbelief and the result of absolutely positive faith
10 spies who reported negatively and the Israelites who rebelled against God and were complaining after hearing the negative report had to be all dead in the wilderness with having been wandered for 40 years in the desert. The consequence of unbelief and rebellion against God was death. However, those who had absolutely positive faith such as Joshua and Caleb were able to enter the promised land of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey. Therefore, we should live our lives with absolute thanksgiving and absolutely positive faith in Jesus Christ to receive and enjoy the blessings of Canaan from God.