God Who Guides Us on the Way We Should Go
(Deuteronomy 1:29-33)

God leads all of our lives. We should trust and depend on our God who leads us in our whole lives. Then, God will friendly lead us to the best way where we should follow.

1. The faith to beat fear
Moses right before entering the Promised Land, Canaan, looked back on his life and asked Israel people not to worry about the giant people of Canaan and the large cities. Fear makes us not to fix our eyes onto God who can become our problem-solver and makes us see the problem only. In addition, we cannot trust God fully and we fall into depression. To overcome our fear, therefore, we should keep our heart strongly because it is the source of life.

2. God who fights for us
God fought against many enemies to free Israel people out of Egypt and gave them glorious victories. God who fought for the Israel people is still alive and fights again for us to defeat the devil, our enemy. Therefore, we should completely trust on God who fights for us even if our surroundings are really gloomy and deemed. By depending on God, we can beat the strongest enemy because God already won the battle.

3. God who is carrying us
God is carrying us when we go through the toughest way that we can’t walk by ourselves or we meet obstacles that we cannot overcome by ourselves, just like parents are carrying their children. Therefore, we should put down everything before God and depend on God to walk with Him.

4. God who showed us the way we should go
The reason Israel people could walk in the desert for 40 years was God went ahead to lead them. God led them with the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire in the desert where people didn’t know the destination. Likewise, God leads us with His Word and the Holy Spirit. Therefore we should not go ahead of God and we should follow God who leads us by obeying the Lord faithfully. By living in that way, we finally can enjoy the blessings of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey.