God of All Comfort
(2 Corinthians 1:3-11)

All people in the world face various difficulties without exception. Hardships and difficulties drive people to be hurt and frustrated, so people need comfort. Many people are not comforted and are frustrated thereby being suffered and trying to commit suicide because of mental depression. Who can heal those frustrated and wounded people? That is our God, the God of all comfort, who wraps our wounds and gives us hope in the middle of deep frustration.

1. God of comfort
Apostle Paul met multitude adversity preaching the gospel. Despite of various hardships, he didn’t give up hope because of experiencing God’s amazing comfort. He also could comfort other people who were under troubles with the comfort of God, which he had already experienced. God is the God of comfort as well as the Father of mercy. Even our life is really difficult and hard, we can stand up again with hope due to the love and comfort of God. Therefore, we should not despair and should rise again in any circumstances. God comforts us when we are in trouble so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received from God.

2. God who helps us endure sufferings
Apostle Paul encountered extreme hardships so he felt like that he got death sentence with losing hope. However, he endured the times of difficulties by only depending on God. Likewise, we have sometimes hard moments in our life. At that moment, we should learn how to depend on God alone. By relying on God alone, we can be strong enough to overcome any kinds of hindrances and hardships in our life.

3. God who raises the dead
Apostle Paul believed that God, who raised the dead, could deliver him from such a deadly peril. As long as we believe in God who saved us from the death, the biggest suffering as death cannot confine us. The faith of resurrection, the faith to believe in God who saved us from death is the source of power to enable us to withstand before any sufferings. Therefore, we should put our hope in God who raises the dead, keep praying, and go forward with overflowing thanksgiving when we are in all troubles.