The Timing of God
(Hebrews 6:13-15)

People in the world have self-centered life. So they decide and control everything as masters of their lives. On the contrary, the master of Christians’ lives is Jesus who is in them, so they have to decide and choose something that makes God pleased. To do this, we should always listen to the voice of God and obey the Word of God. Furthermore, we should hold on the Word of God, imagining its being achieved in our real life until it becomes our reality by waiting for God’s right time patiently.

1. Stand firm on the Word of God
When God promised to bless Abraham, God swore by His name. Today’s scripture reading verse 13 says, “When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself,” In the ancient Near East, it was common tradition to swear with heaven or the name of the absolute when they made agreements or contracts. God accepted this tradition so he swore by His name because there was no greater name. It means God’s promise would be surely made. Abraham left his hometown and headed for Canaan by obeying the promise of God. Therefore, if we received God’s promise, we should put our faith on God’s promise and obey God even we are in difficult situation.

2. Have the dream God gives
Abraham held the promise of God, which was said like this, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.”, and dreamed it in his heart. Abraham saw that he would have tremendous numbers of his descendants like stars in the sky and sands at the sea. Also he dreamed that many people would be blessed through him. Likewise, we should believe in what God promised to us and dream that the vision will come true. By confessing the dream will come true out of our mouth, we should march forward with faith.

3. The timing of God
Even if we obey the Word of God and go forward with holy dream, the promise of God will not be achieved in a day. According to Hebrews, Chapter 6 verse 15, it says “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.” Abraham had to wait so long for the promise of God to be come true. Abraham obeyed God to leave his native home, Ur of the Chaldeans when he was 75 years old but he got Isaac when he was 100 years old. God made His promise be realized on his right time. Therefore, we should be patient by waiting God’s right time for us.