From the Wells of Salvation
(Isaiah 12:1-6)

Everyone in the world wants to live a happy and satisfying life. However, there is no real satisfaction in the world. Real satisfaction is found only in Jesus Christ. When we drink living water coming from Jesus Christ, our well of salvation, our thirst will disappear. Therefore, we should pull out springing happiness found in Jesus as our well of salvation in order to have a happy and desirable life.

1. Praise the God of salvation
When Israel people betrayed God and worshipped Idols, angry God judged them and made them captives of Babylon. God, who is love, however, didn’t abandon them and allowed them to be free from Babylon. So they finally returned to Jerusalem after 70 years had passed. Then, people of Israel praised God like this, “I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me.” (Isa. 12:1) This praise should be ours. For us, loving God sent Jesus, His only Son. And by pouring His rage onto Jesus, God saved us who were captives of sins and under the judgment of Him. Once we believe in Jesus, therefore, God’s anger turns away and He gives us His comfort instead. How can we not praise the Lord thinking this amazing grace? We should keep praising the grace of salvation in our whole life.

2. Draw water with joy
We should draw water from the wells of salvation with joy (Isa. 12:3). Once we were supposed to be put into death as captives of sins without finding the wells of salvation. However, God gave us the wells of eternal life, who is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the wells of salvation leading us to the permanent salvation by removing spiritual thirsty caused by sins. Whoever drinks the water will never thirst. Therefore, we should draw the water of eternal life, which is full of forgiveness, love, and healing, for people who are in the barren world to taste it.

3. Proclaim to all people
When we proclaim what God has done to the world, we can draw the water with joy from the wells of salvation (Isa. 12:4-5). The more we dig the well, the newer water springs up. Without drawing the water out of wells, it will be rotten with bugs, insects, and viruses. Evangelism is giving other people the living water of salvation that I have tasted. Because we already have tasted Jesus Christ, the source of living water, we should spread His name to all the countries. By doing so, we will be blessed to have real satisfaction in our life.