My Servant Whom I Uphold
(Isaiah 42:1-4)

Christian life starts with believing in Jesus, thereby resembling and witnessing Jesus. Therefore, mature Christian should show the image of Jesus Christ. Today's scripture reading is the first song out of four songs, which are called songs of ‘the servant of Yahweh’. It sings for personality of Jesus Christ and His mission, who was anointed and chosen by God to save us.

1. The servant whom God upholds
The purpose of sending and anointing Jesus was to save all humans from the sins. God entrusted this mission to Jesus, upholding Jesus by pouring the Holy Spirit on Jesus (Isa. 42:1). By being held by God tightly, Jesus could complete His greatest mission of salvation despite of various persecutions and insult. God, who upheld Jesus, is holding us now. Therefore, we should depend on God and be led by the hands of God to achieve God’s will even we meet difficulties and hardship in doing the works of God.

2. The servant of humility and meekness
Jesus was a humble and meek servant. According to verse 2, it says, “He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.” Jesus didn’t raise His voice to attract public interest for the purpose of being famous or becoming a hero in taking the responsibilities of God’s work. He didn’t raise his status or wasn’t boastful by making people focusing on Him. Rather, He lowered Himself very humbly only to show the glory of God. Therefore, when we do God’s work, we should be completely humble and meek by being lowered to show God alone.

3. The servant of righteousness and truth
Jesus heals the abandoned like bruised reeds. Also Jesus pours the oil of the Holy Spirit to people like smoldering wicks, who don’t have hope at all because of sins and frustrations, in order to give the light and the hope of life. Jesus wasn’t defeated by any opposing powers against God and didn’t compromise with untruth and injustice under any hardships. Jesus was brave and courageous enough to establish the righteousness and the truth of God on the earth. Finally, Jesus completed the righteousness on the cross and became the way, the truth, and the life. Therefore, we should live a life to show the righteousness and the truth of God on the earth by obeying the Word of Jesus, who is the righteousness and the truth, and not compromising the sins and injustice of the world.