“What Is Your Name?”
(Genesis 32:22-28)

People in the world don’t know where they came from, why they have to live and where they should go thereby wandering the world. However, we should have clear answers on these issues. To know one’s identity means that one has the very basic answer to one’s existence obviously. Today’s scripture reading tells us the story of Jacob who was reborn by meeting God personally at the night of his life. Living in the world, everyone cannot avoid the night of suffering. Meeting God in the night of our life, however, we can find the direction and goals of our life including the facts where we came from, why we should live and where we should go.

1. Jacob who met the night
Jacob deceived his elder brother Esau and took the blessings of the first soon, running away from outrageous Esau and reaching his uncle’s house at Paddan Aram. After 20 years had passed, he went back his home town at Canaan. Arriving at the ford of the Jabbok, he heard the news that his elder brother, who was filled with revenge, brought 400 soldiers to meet him. He sent a lot of animals to pacify the anger of his elder brother and planned to send his family before him to be alive. However, Jacob standing alone in the ford of the Jabbok was full of fear and stayed awake during the night of distress and frustration. Likewise, we have this kind of hard situation where we cannot find any humanly solutions. At this moment, we should give up our ways and methods and return to God, kneeling down before Him and listening to the voice of the Lord during the night.

2. Jacob who clung to God
God came to Jacob, who was being alone at the ford of the river in the middle of dark night. Jacob wrestled with God till daybreak, because his life was at stake. When God saw that He could not overpower him, He touched the socket of his hip so that he couldn’t run away. Jacob, who was totally broken and transformed before God, asked God to help him. Likewise, we should seek for God’s help when we meet the dark moment in our life.

3. Jacob who received the answer
God changed Jacob’s name into Israel when Jacob was lowered and transformed at the ford of the Jabbok. The reason for God to change the name of Jacob was to change the identity of Jacob, meaning that Jacob had to live a life with holding God tightly instead of holding the heels of other people. Also, it means that he had to live a God-centered life instead of a self-oriented life. When Jacob was completely under God’s control, the 20-year-long deeply rooted anger of his elder brother, Esau was melt away and they reconciled by the blessing of peace. His dark night was gone and the morning of a new hope was come.