“Is Yahweh’s Arm Too Short?”
(Numbers 11:19-23)

Those who have the faith pleasing God depend on and give thanks to God who is almighty, not shaken by any situations. The reason we should not complain toward God is that He accompanies, protects, and leads us in our life, who had taken care of Israel people in the desert for 40 years where no springs to be used.

1. The faith that expels blaming and grumbling
The day when Israel people left the Sinai, the rabble with them started complaining to ask to give them the same fish that they had eaten in Egypt. Their complaints quickly spread to the whole Israel people. And all the people wept and complained toward Moses and God. God was not satisfied. The source of their complaints was rooted in their avarice. The thing we should fight against is our unfaithful old self. The old self is used to complaining and being negative. We have to nail this old self on the cross everyday and make our life full of thanksgiving remembering amazing grace of God given to us.

2. God who sends helpers
The fatigue and anguish caused by complaining people drove Moses to be completely exhausted so that he prayed to be dead not to see his people being troubled. The burden was too heavy for him. God listened to his prayer and chose 70 leaders to assist Moses and gave them the Holy Spirit to share the burden with Moses. When we live our life, we face a lot of hardships that we cannot carry by ourselves. God never leaves us alone. Whenever we meet hardships and tribulations, God gives us the Holy Spirit as well as helpers. Therefore, we should not be frustrated before problems and rather we should tell all our difficulties to God who knows us better than we do.

3. The power of Almighty God
God listened to Moses’ painful prayer and promised him to provide Israel people with meat for a whole month until it would come out of their nostrils and they would loathe it. However, Moses looking at his surroundings disagreed with God and asked God how God could provide 600,000 people for one month with meat in the barren desert. At that moment, God asked Moses if God’s arms were too short and rebuked Moses about not having believed in God. Then, God sent countless quails for Israel people to eat. Therefore, we should depend on the hands of almighty God whenever we meet various difficulties. We should believe the fact that there is nothing impossible in the Lord and live our life with the absolute positivity and the absolute thanksgiving.