I Will Praise You, O LORD, with All My Heart
(Psalm 138:1-5)

What makes Christians as they are is giving thanks. The condition of our thanksgiving doesn’t lie in the condition of life or in our surrounding environments. Our thanksgiving should the absolute thanksgiving, the unconditional thanksgiving and the lifelong thanksgiving, going beyond our environments. This Psalm chapter 138 was written at the later part of David’s life to give thanks to the Lord because the grace of God was priceless and grateful. He gave thanks to the Lord, remembering having ascended to the throne, having won against many fights.

1. Give thanks to the Lord
David looked upon his life at the later part of his life and praised the Lord as his shield because God had protected his life and gave living spirit to his tired soul to make him recovered. David had avoided being chased by Saul for 10 years and went through so many wars after becoming the King. However, he didn’t forget to give thanks to the Lord because God had saved him in the middle of difficulties. Therefore, we should depend on the almighty hands of God which can save and protect us from all kinds of difficulties. Thanksgiving brings bigger miracles and lead to bigger thanksgiving.

2. Give thanks toward the temple
Whenever David was in hard situation, he came to the temple where God was in presence. The temple was the center of Israel people. After Jesus ascended to heaven, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to establish the church in the world. Jesus is the head of the church and it is the body of Jesus. The church with overflowed blood of Jesus through the cross is the ark of the salvation and pathway of blessings. Therefore, we should love our church and do our best effort in serving worship services as parts of the church. We should live a life to receive the blessings through the church thereby giving thanks to God.

3. Give thanks for His answers
David gave thanks all the times whenever he prayed because God gave him answers. Primarily, he praised the Lord because God gave him brave heart and power to beat strong enemies while David was praying. Therefore, we should not set back when we meet various difficulties. Rather we should pray hard. Every time we should pray hard and build alters of thanksgiving for God who listens to our subtle and small groans.

4. Praise the glory of God
David praised the glory of God after having realized that victory of wars didn’t come from him but from God. The purpose of God’s creation is to receive glory and praise from us. Therefore, we should show the glory of God where we belong. We should praise the Lord until our breath stops.