The Reasons to Give Thanks
(2 Corinthians 13:13)

Thanksgiving leads us to mature faith. People whom God has used are armed with the absolute faith and the absolute thanksgiving. Therefore, we should live a life filled with abundant thanksgiving because we are saved by unconditional grace of God. The scripture of today is the prayer of blessings toward the Corinthian church. This prayer is the prayer of blessings toward us as well. In the world, we meet various difficulties and hardships that we cannot handle with but the grace of God will be the key to the solution.

1. Thanksgiving for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
We should give thanks for the salvation achieved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. All humans are born with sins and live in the sins and have to be dead because of sins. However, we now become the children of God once Jesus bore the cross on His shoulder. This grace is the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we should live a life with thanksgiving in return to for the grace that we cannot pay back.

2. Thanksgiving for the love of God
God gave His only Son willingly to forgive our sins and put His only Son on the cross. To give thanks for this amazing love, we should love our God with all our heart as well as love our neighbors like our body. The love of God goes beyond all kinds of depression, pains and problems thereby bringing about miracle.

3. Thanksgiving for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
We should give thanks for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. This makes us form a friendship with the Holy Spirit and work together. The Holy Spirit has personality so once we accept the Holy Spirit, they the fellowship will be started. Therefore we should communicate with the Holy Spirit by reading the Bible, praying hard and praising Lord. By doing so, the Holy Spirit will accompany and help us as the Counselor to drive us to achieve the will of God.

I pray that we would give thanks and praise for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who saved us by taking the cross, the love of God who sacrificed His only Son and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit who accompanies and guides us.