Jesus Who Came for Us
(Matthew 11:28-29)

No one is free from the heavy burdens of life because of sins of Adam and Eve. However, Jesus Christ, the King of kings came to the earth as a human by giving away the throne of heaven in order to give rest to us who are weary and burdened. Jesus showed the service for His life and took the cross lifting our heavy burdens thereby giving us true peace and rest. Jesus, who came for us, still invites us.

1. Making us lay down our burden
Every person lives with the heavy burdens of sins, frustration, diseases, death, poverty and curses. However, Jesus asked us to unload the burdens of life through His invitation. Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened"(Mt. 11:28). We should come before Jesus with our burdens as who we are. Then Jesus will take them away. Jesus who came for us will carry our burdens instead of us.

2. Giving us true peace and rest
The reason of His invitation is to give us true peace and rest. The verse 28 says, "I will give you rest". The world is filled with frustration, anxiety and uncertainties. No one can give us real peace and rest for us. However, we can be peaceful with rest by coming before Jesus. The peace coming from Jesus will never be shaken and be stolen by clouds and storms of our life. This peace will go beyond our surroundings. When the peace of Jesus comes on us, all the problems will be away. Therefore, we can be peaceful and enjoy rest when we come before Jesus.

3. Teaching us gentleness and humility
Another reason of Jesus’ invitation is to teach how to be gentle and humble. The verse 29 says, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." The heart of Jesus is gentle. Jesus embraces and accepts us even we are sinners and not perfect. Also, Jesus is humble. Jesus is the Highest of all but He was lowered to become a human and sacrificed Himself to save us. Therefore, we should learn from Jesus and embrace the wounded with gentleness. We should put our love and hearts to the low place to serve others humbly.