The Word and Faith
(Romans 10:17)

The year 2014 starts with hope. We should live this new year for the glory of God. We should live to please God. To do this, we should open this new year with the Word and faith.

1. Hear the voice of God
We should listen to the voice of God to live with faith. The bible says, "faith comes from hearing the message". When we listen to the Word of God, we have faith. Therefore, we should listen to the proclaimed Word during worship service in order to hear the voice of God. We should receive the Word of God with saying Amen when the absolutely positive Word, the absolutely hopeful Word, and the Word of the three-fold blessings and the five-fold gospel are preached. And by reading and meditating the Word with praying, we should listen to the message of God.

2. Stand on the Word of Christ
The Word delivers Jesus Christ our Savior to us. The bible, the Word of God is stained with the precious blood of Jesus Christ so that we are sprinkled with the blood when we read the bible. Through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of God is living inside us so that we are full of the grace of salvation, the grace of the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the grace of healing, the grace of blessing, and the grace of the second coming and the kingdom of heaven. And we also receive the new power to gain victory in our every day. Therefore, we should open this new year by standing on the Word of Christ.

3. Go forward with faith
We should march forward with faith by listening to the voice of the Lord and standing firm on the Word of Christ. The life of Christians is the journey of faith. We are saved by faith, experience the grace of God by faith and enter the kingdom of heaven by faith. The basis of faith is not sensory experiences but the Word of God. The Bible says, "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Therefore, we should stick to the Word of God and we should expect, dream and pray with faith. With faith, we can change something impossible to possible and experience miracles in our life.

The work of faith is driven by the absolute positivity and the absolute thanksgiving. Though we meet difficulties and troubles in our life, we should hold the absolutely positive faith to march forward. Then, God will work through our faith and give blessings to us. I pray that you may listen to the voice of God through the Word of God and enjoy the prepared blessings of God by standing firm on the Word of Jesus Christ and going forward with faith.