God Is within You
(Zephaniah 3:14-17)

God who we serve and believe in is good. Our good God chose us and gives us limitless love and grace. Therefore we should fix our eyes on God in any suffering, who works for the good in all things. We should be armed with the absolute positivity and the absolute thanksgiving, depending on God who is always with us.

1. Praise the Lord
We should praise God our Savior who is within us. Zephaniah proclaimed ‘the Day of Yahweh’ to Judah people who were very morally corrupted with idolatry that the Day would come when they would be captives by Babylonians. However, Zephaniah conveyed the hopeful message that God would save them and return them to Jerusalem once they repented their sins. So he said to the people of God who were saved, “Be glad and rejoice with all your heart” (Zep. 3:14). Those who can be joyful and glad because of God our Savior in any situation are the remnants. We should be the remnants to praise God our Savior who is within us regardless of our situations.

2. God has taken away our punishment
God who is within us has taken away our punishment (Zep. 3:15). We were doomed to be dead because of our sins and couldn’t avoid the judgment, but we are saved by the precious blood of Jesus. The debt of our sins is paid so that we become forgiven and the children of God. Also, the devil, our enemy who steals and kills and destroys us is driven out of our life. Therefore, we should not be despaired by any types of troubles. Because the victory Jesus won is ours.

3. The Almighty saves
God who is with us is mighty to save (Zep. 3:17). God never leaves us as orphans even we are in hardships and adversary. God is with us all the time. Even we are weak and not perfect, God takes great delight in us and quiets us with His love. Why are you afraid and fearful even Almighty God, the Savior is with you? Let us live a life to please Him by depending on our almighty God to save us out of difficulties.