Jesus Who Walked on the Waves
(Matthew 14:25-32)

Life is like sailing to open-wide sea. There are ceaseless waves and sometimes big waves. Likewise, even in Christians’ life are there stormy waves and strong winds. Not always do we really have easy sails before the wind in our journey. We, however, can overcome strong waves because Jesus walking on the waves is with us.

1. The waves coming to our life
Jesus showing the miracle of five loaves and two fish prompted his disciples, crossing the Sea of Galilee to get to the opposite side and Jesus went up on a mountain to pray. When they were in the center of the sea, they met furious and strong waves all of at sudden. The reason was because they forgot Jesus. When we are away from Jesus, we will face the waves of adversity and hardships. So we should not be lazy in worshiping, meditating the Word, praying, and serving others to be closer to the Lord.

2. Jesus, the problem solver
During the fourth watch of the night, the disciples gave up and were in despair at the very dark night. At that time, Jesus was walking on the strong waves. Jesus doesn’t abandon us in the stormy sea of suffering. Rather, Jesus comes to our difficult and hard situations. Therefore, we should fix our eyes on Jesus, the problem solver, when we meet the waves in our life.

3. Our faith
Jesus walking on the waves and coming to the spot of suffering said to his terrified disciples, "Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid." Peter seeing Jesus said, "Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water." Then, Peter bravely walked on the water toward Jesus, depending on the Word of Jesus to come. But when Peter saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink. Likewise, when we see our surroundings, we sink again to the sea of despair. We should fix our eyes on Jesus alone to walk on the stormy sea with strong faith.

4. Jesus Christ, the eternal hope
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught Peter sinking into the sea. Jesus said, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" When they climbed to the boat, the wind died down. Therefore, we should not be shaken by any situations. We should believe in and depend on the Lord alone. Because only Jesus is our eternal hope.