Almighty God
(Exodus 3:7-10)

God who we believe in is almighty God. God created all the things when the earth was formless and empty and darkness was over the surface of the deep. It shows God’s almighty power to do everything. The almighty God saw Israel people having suffered from slavery under Egyptian ruling for 430 years. God heard their crying out, knew their agony, saved them out of slavery and led them to the promised land of Canaan filled with milk and honey. The God of Israel, the almighty God is with us.

1. God who is watching us
God was watching over clearly how Israel people had miserable times in Egypt. Just like God saw Israel people under suffering, God is still watching over our hardships and difficulties. Therefore, we should live our life to please God with the sense of being ‘before God’, that is, the sense that God is watching us even we are in the difficult moment.

2. God who hears our earnest requests
God heard Israel people crying out because of hard life caused by heavy labor. When we are in the extremely hard moment without saying the fact to anyone else, God hears and answers our crying out. Therefore, we should pray hard not falling back or behind when we are in great despair. Praying before the Lord is to fix our eyes on God. Prayer is the key of the Kingdom of Heaven. When we fix our eyes on God with crying out, God surely comes to our life to solve our hardships and problems.

3. God who knows everything about us
God understood and knew how painfully and miserably the Israel people had been suffered by Egyptian suppression. Our Lord knows our pains, sees our tears and tightness, and understands our weakness. The omniscient God knows everything about us and knows us better then than we do. Therefore, we should depend on the Lord rather than other people when we are in trouble because He is the only helper in our life.

4. God who saves and guides us
God sent Moses to Israel people to rescue them out of the hands of Egypt and led them to Canaan, the land with being full of milk and honey. Likewise, God, who saved Israel people out of Egypt and led them to the land of Canaan, is saving us out of despair and frustration, guiding us to the abundant grace of God. Therefore, we should follow the guidance of God who rescues us from all kinds of difficulties and leads us to the better way even we are living in the barren-like world. We should keep marching with our faith until we get to the eternally blessed land of Canaan, the Kingdom of Heaven, by fixing our eyes on to God, our Almighty Leader.