"You Shall Have No Other Gods before Me."
(Deuteronomy 5:6-11)

The most important thing in the world is to believe in Jesus and be saved. The reason is that heaven is waiting for Christians while hell for those who don’t believe in Jesus. Therefore we should lead people to Jesus with passion. We should have no gods before God. Today’s scripture reading is about the 10 commandments, the best among the law as well as the core of the law.

1. God of salvation
God who gave the ten commandments, led Israel people under Egyptian ruling to Canaan. We were captives to the sins before and lived without hopes. However, God opened the door of salvation for us, as Jesus Christ, the only son of God was sacrificed for our sins on the cross. Therefore, we should give thanks for the grace of salvation given by God and obey the Word of God joyfully and happily in our lifetime.

2. Commanding not to have any other gods
The first commandment of the ten commandments is not to have any gods before God (Dt. 5:7). The only God we should worship is God. There are no other gods. Recently, however, people serve false idols such as the god of material things. People tend to compromise with sins and lies to get money thereby creating the roots of sins. Therefore, we should not love money. We should share blessings given by God with our neighbors and serve God alone in our lifetime.

3. Commanding not to make an idol
The second commandment of the ten commandments is not to make for ourselves an idol (Dt. 5:8). Idols are something that we love more than God. The reason God doesn’t allow us to make idols is because we make them for ourselves. The biggest idol is oneself. People love money, fame and power more than God because of their greed and avarice. We should put God in our priority list not ourselves.

4. Commanding not to misuse the name of God
The third commandment of the ten commandments is not to misuse the name of God (Dt. 5:11). The name includes personality and existence. Therefore, calling God’s name means we believe in and depend on His existence. Therefore we should not abuse and misuse the name of God for our own benefit. We should fear God. As children of God we should only lift, exalt and glorify the name of God.