Taste and See That the Lord Is Good
(Psalm 34:6-10)

We are living with the grace of God. The reason we are here today is completely because of the grace of God. Everything is done because of the grace of God. We cannot live a day without the grace of God. Today’s scripture reading was written when David was chased by the King Saul and pretended to be insane before Abimelech so that he was saved. Then he praised God for His grace.

1. The call of a poor person
When David met the risk of death, he called out. God listened to the cry of this poor man and saved him out of all his troubles (Ps. 34:6). When we are in the situation where no one can help us, we should depend on the Lord alone and cry out before God. Then, God will save us from all troubles.

2. Experiencing the grace of the Lord
David depended on God in spite of his difficulties, and experienced His grace. David’s faith was based on his experiences. His faith based on his real-life experience was his power and best assets. Just knowing God’s grace theoretically is not enough. We should meet God and see the goodness of God (Ps. 34:8). Christianity is related to experience. It leads us to courage even we are in crisis. It enables us to be patient and calm even we are in the darkness of our life. Therefore, we should come before God by praying and reading the Word when we are in extremely difficult moments so that we can experience the grace of the Lord. Hardships in our life are chances of experiencing God.

3. The life of fearing the Lord
David sings that those who fear Him lack nothing (Ps. 34:9). Fearing God means having holy fear before His holiness and dignity. By accepting God’s presence everywhere, we should live before God with fear. We should follow David’s example, who sang Ps. 34:10, "lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing." When we live in the world, we should experience God who fills our needs perfectly.

David recommended us to taste and see the goodness of God. What kind of difficulties are you in? Cry out on the rainy days. With fear and trembling, exalt God. Then you should experience God who answers your prayers and fills your needs so that you can taste and see that the Lord is so good.