The Faith That Makes the Impossible Possible
(Mark 2:1-5)

The Christianity starts with faith. Without faith, we cannot understand the bible and cannot have righteous life of faith. God always looks for the people of faith. The base of the faith is Jesus Christ. Therefore, we should hold the cross of Jesus to march with faith. Today’s scripture reading is the story of miracle, which a paralytic and the four people to help him experienced with their faith.

1. The obstacle ahead
There were four people who carried the paralyzed man to cure him. There were many people so they couldn’t get him to Jesus (Mk. 2:2). They met obstacles. Likewise, there are times that we meet obstacles in our life and are frustrated. However, we should not be depressed by any types of hardships. We should jump over difficulties with faith.

2. The work of oneness
How the paralytic was cured was because the four men together carried the sick and was united with the same mind to cure the paralyzed friend even the situation was impossible to meet Jesus so they could take off the roof to put the paralyzed down before the feet of Jesus (Mk. 2:3-4). Being united brings about miracle. The history of humans has been full of conflicts and tension. However, when Jesus was crucified on the cross, He brought peace and reconciliation to the humankind. Therefore, we should put down our stereotypes hindering us from being united and we should be untied in Jesus through reconciliation and foreignness. Our church, our home cells, and our families should make every effort to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit.

3. The miracle of faith
When the four men drilled the roof and lowered the mat before Jesus, Jesus cured the man seeing their faith (Mk. 2:4-5). It was the work of miracle driven by the faith of the four men seeing possibility though impossibility. Faith jumps over impossibility. Faith means not to give up in any circumstances. Therefore, we should jump over any obstacles with the absolute faith and rise from the frustrating moment to live a life of glorifying God.

What kind of stumbling blocks do you meet? Don’t try to solve them by yourself. Be united to bring about miracles. The work of oneness creates miracles. And jump over the hindrances with faith. Faith turns impossibility into possibility. I want our church to be united with faith to experience miracle every day.