God who establishes the steps of a person
(Ps 37:23-29)

When we live, we have a question of why the wicked is successful while the good man is in trouble. When everything goes bad despite our praying hard and making a great effort to live a God-centered life, we become frustrated. However, the success of the wicked is very temporary and the history of the world is not controlled by the wicked. It is rather controlled by the will of God according to God's schedule.

1. God, the Absolute Sovereign
God decides the steps of the good man and lead him or her according to God's plan. According to verse 23, it says, "If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm". Even we set our plans, success or failure of doing something is depending on the hands of God. Everything in our life depends on God’s purpose and providence. All creatures in the world are ordered to operate by God. In addition, the rise and fall of all nations are under His sovereignty. Therefore, we should recognize the authority of God who controls everything of our life behind the scene. We should have the eyes of faith to see how God works for good in all difficult things that we meet with.

2. God, who upholds us

Everyone in the world faces hardships. The good man as well as the evil man falls. However, the righteous man can rise up with the help of God after he stumbles. The verse 24 says, "Though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand" God never abandons us when we are troubled and holds us tightly, embracing us with his strong arms. When we don't have power to walk again, God embraces us to help us go over the problems. Therefore, we should trust in God and look at the blessings over the hardships, which train us to receive the blessings of God.

3. The blessings given to the righteous

God promises the eternal blessings for the righteous man. The verse 25 says, "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." God gives the blessings for the good man and offers bountiful blessings for the descendants of the good man. Therefore, we should look at God who ensures victory as well as blessings for the good and should do good actively, and follow the plans of God even when we are in hardships.