God who is righteous
(Ps 11:1-7)

Seeing the wicked being successful, we think we lose when we keep our faith. However, we should depend on God more than before when hardships come on our life.

1. Faith depending on God
As David was chased by Saul, he had many dangerous moments of death but he overcame them. People asked him to run away to the mountains. However, David trusted on God who is our shelter. David wanted to solve the problem with the way of God by depending on God. Therefore, we should keep depending on God to overcome the difficulties whatever difficulties we have.

2. The life of the righteous man
During the era of Saul, the standard of good and evil was being collapsed. There was no place for the righteous. According to verse 3, it says, "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do ?" David didn't take the foundations of the world, rather he relied on God strongly when the things in the world were shaken. Therefore, we should not put our hope in the world but in God who is with us all the time. We should put God on our heart to live a church-centered and worship-oriented life. God is righteous so that he controls the world and the history with justice, protects us with his glaring eyes and leads us to the right ways.

3. God who judges
God will surely judge on the wicked. The verse 6 says, "On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot." God throws his nets to the wicked so that they cannot avoid the judgment of God. On the contrary, God loves the righteous. The verse 7 says, "For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face." God will take care of the rest of life of the righteous until he sees the face of God.