The grace of a thorn
(2Co. 12:7-10)

Everyone in the world has weaknesses. Even the great Apostle Paul had a thorn in his body. Through it, he could be a very humble servant of God, depending on Jesus to spread the Gospel. God uses a thorn as a useful tool for us.

1. The thorns that we have
Even the great servant of God, Apostle Paul had a thorn in his flesh (verse 8). Some say it was epilepsy, while others say it was eye disease. Paul compared it to the messenger of Satan. Everyone in the world has a big or small thorn. It may be the wounds of the past, physical illness, flaws in character, mental disorder, financial difficulties, family problems, unfaithful family members or human relationship.

2. Paul praying earnestly for the thorn to be removed.
He was praying hard for God take it away from him according to the verse 8. While he was praying because of his thorn, he experienced the power of Jesus. And he led many people to Jesus. If our weakness makes us be humble before the Lord, it can be a blessing rather than a curse (Ps. 50:15). When we repent because of our thorn and depend on God, God makes us strong, firm and steadfast. According to 1 Peter 5:10, it says, “the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” Therefore, we should pray hard with all means that we have when we are in trouble.

3. The grace given through a thorn
According to 2 Peter 12:9, Jesus said that his grace was enough for Peter. It is because the power of Jesus can be perfect in our weaknesses. A thorn in us works as a path for us to realize the will of God. When people feel they are strong, they don’t depend on God, while when they are weak, they are humble enough to worship and depend on God. God allowed the thorn to be given to Paul so as for him not to be arrogant. (2Co.12:1-5) With living with the thorn, he couldn’t be arrogant so that he was used as the servant of God till the end. Therefore, we should learn to be humble due to our weaknesses and make them our chances to experience the blessings and grace of God so that we can give glory to the Lord.