Preach the Good News to All Creation
(Mark 16:15-18)

Our identity is changed from the sinner into the blessed children of God when we believe in Jesus. (John 1:12) Therefore, we should live as the witness of Jesus with the power of children of God to spread the Gospel to the end of the world. (Mark 16:15)

1. Preach the Good News to all creation
Jesus asked his disciples to go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.(Mark 16:15) This order of mission is compulsory duty of Christians. Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel to all creatures whether we have enough time or not.

2. Live a life accompanied by signs and wonders
The signs and wonders are the tools to spread the Good News effectively and it is the power to be given to the Christians who spread the Gospel.

1) Drive away the evil spirit
Evil spirits interfere with spreading the Gospel and destroy our life and steal our life. Whenever Jesus saws someone suffering by the evil spirit, Jesus healed them. (Luke 4:35) So we should expel the evil spirits with the name of Jesus and the power of the precious blood of Jesus.
2) Speak in new tongues
Speaking in new tongues is given by the Holy Spirit as a heavenly language. Once we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we start to speak in new tongues. By praying with the tongues, the Holy Spirit is also praying together with us to solve our problems in life. (Rom. 8:26) Therefore, we should long for the Holy Spirit and expect to speak with the tongue.
3) Pick up the snake
The serpent refers to the demon, the father of deceiving spirits. When we live with Jesus, we can throw away lies, follow the truth, and drive the snakes in our lives.
4) Not be harmed by any poisons
Poison is deadly critical. But the poison of our language is much more harmful. When we hear the words provoking our anger and depression, our mind is filled with poison and it makes us to be dead. However, when we are against it by praying in the name of Jesus and resist it, it will disappear. (Mark 16:18)
5) Place hands on sick people, and they will get well
While Jesus lived in the world, he healed all the diseases of people. (Mark 4:23-24) Still, Jesus is healing us. Therefore, we should pray when we are sick and not be depressed with diseases. We should pray in the name of Jesus, hoping to be healed with the name of Jesus.