There was great joy in that city
(Acts 8:4-8)

After the Holy Spirit came to the place where the disciples were gathered and praying hard, the great work of revival happened. Once the Holy Spirit comes, we become the witness of the Good news and experience great rival. The growth of church depends on the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1. Blessings of persecution

Jerusalem saw great revival after the event of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Scared Jewish leaders started to capture the disciples and put them into jails and persecuted churches. It got worse and they even drove Stephen and stoned him (Act 7:58). Many believers and Christians were scattered to Judea and Samaria by a great persecution (Act 8:1) Dispersed Christians spread the Gospel where they belonged to and kept the word of Jesus. The persecution was obvious threat but it was also the will of God to spread the Gospel to the world (Act 11:19-21). Therefore, we should know the suffering can become the tool of God to achieve God’s will and should not forget thanksgiving. Also, persecution against the church can become the opportunities for the church to grow in the will of God. Knowing this, we should do our best where we belong to and become faithful.

2. Blessings of the Word.

The wonders of revival are being accompanied by proclaiming the Word of God. Among the scattered Christians, there was Philip, who went to Samaria to spread the Gospel. The Samarian people accepted the Gospel, were saved, were healed and changed. There was a great revival. Therefore, there was great joy in that city (Act 8:7-8). The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light for our paths (Psalm 119:105). Therefore, we should read the Word of God day and night, and meditate it so that we can experience the grace of God (Psalm 1:-3).

3. Blessings of the Holy Spirit

Once there was a great revival and transformation in Samaria, the disciples in Jerusalem supported Philip by visiting the city. When they prayed for the city to be filled with the Holy Spirit, they received the Holy Spirit. Led by the Holy Spirit, he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians and spread the Gospel (Act 8:35-38). God planned to save the gentiles and called Philip. Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and spread the Gospel. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can transform the church, the family and the society thereby being filled with joy to overcome various difficulties.